Hue University of Sciences (Vietnam)

Since its establishment in 1957, Hue University (HU) has been recognized as a key academic and scientific research hub for central Vietnam and the whole country. By training competent people

and providing qualified human resources to the processes of industrialization and modernization in Vietnam, HU has succeeded in building its position as a prestigious institution in Vietnamese higher education system.

Currently, HU has 8 member universities (Sciences, Education, Medicine, Agriculture & Forestry, Economics, Foreign Languages, Arts, Law) and 2 schools (Tourism, and Physical Education) under the its umbrella. HU also has national key applied science institutes and centers.

HU has approximately 50,000 students (including 200 gifted high school, 500 Junior college, 42,000 Undergraduate, 4,000 Master’s, 350 PhD and more than 200 international students). Currently, the total number of staff population is more than 3,800 people, including more than 250 Professors and Associate Professors, 450 PhDs, 1,200 Masters, 1800 Bachelors and others.

In the domestic academic circle, Hue University is a pioneer in promoting international academic exchanges.



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