Champasack University (Laos)

Champasack University was initially establishment in 2002, known as a branch of National University of Laos. It was renamed as Champasack University in 2004. It is located in Pakse city, Champasack province, and the second of most popular city in Laos. The commitment of Champasack University is to develop the university to be center of education, research and technical services in the Laos as well as in the region. Champasack University plays an important role to provide opportunities for people access to Higher Education in the southern provinces of Laos, educates people to preserve and promote beautiful culture of the nation as well as of Lao people ethnic groups and provide academic service to societies.

Champasack University offers 27 Bachelor programmes in the 6 faculties such as Faculties of Agriculture and Forestry, Education, Economics and Management, Engineering, Natural Sciences, and Faculty of Law; 2 Master programmes will be launched in 2020 - MSc. Sustainable Agronomy Programme (under SFARM project of Erasmus+ programmes) and Electricity programme. There are 416 staff in total with 359 teaching staff, and 44 administrative staff (Information in 2019). There are currently 6,066 students in total from undergraduate programme.



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