National Technical University of Athens (Greece)

Since 1985, Microprocessors Laboratory and Digital Systems Lab (MicroLab) specialises on the design and implementation of digital and microprocessor systems (ASIC, FPGA and System level). It is an official laboratory of the School of Electrical & Computer Engineering of NTUA. MicroLab has extensive background and experience in the fields of Hardware/Software Codesign, DSP systems implementation, High Level Synthesis, Reconfigurable Computing and Computer Arithmetic. It has participated in numerous projects that involve the design and implementation of Data Acquisition and Processing Systems, Telecommunication Hardware, Industrial Digital Systems, Data Encryption and Medical Applications. At present, MicroLab is actively pursuing research in the areas of reliability and fault-tolerance at the transistor, interconnect, circuit and system level. Among its recent activities have been low-power design, memory design, fault-tolerance and soft-error resilience techniques and modelling of scaling issues in nanometre technologies. MicroLab has participated in over 45 European and National projects, received 5 innovation awards from the industry (Intel, IBM) and other organisations and is an active member of ‘HiPEAC’s Reconfigurable Platforms Cluster’ and ‘ArtistDesign – Embedded Systems’.



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